PAWN is a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) algorithm 1. Unlike variance based GSA approaches, it considers the entire distribution (specifically the CDF) of the model output. I have implemented PAWN and the first example discussed in 1 in MATLAB. The latest code can be downloaded off the MATLAB File Exchange. (It is also available on my Github at
The first example discussed in 1 is the sensitivity of the Ishigami-Homma function. I have included the code for this in ishigami_homma.m
and also included the code to reproduce Fig. 4 from 1. Below is the figure I reproduced (the original is here):
Giving credit
If you found this useful, please cite as :
Srikiran Chandrasekaran (2018). PAWN Global Sensitivity Analysis algorithm (, GitHub.
Additional information
The original authors of the PAWN paper maintain a website which provides the code for PAWN and additionally a cool sensitivity analysis toolbox for MATLAB called SAFE Toolbox
Pianosi, F., Wagener, T., 2015. A simple and efficient method for global sensitivity analysis based on cumulative distribution functions. Environ. Model. Softw. 67, 1–11. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
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